Sunday, December 9, 2007

Free to Do What I Want

I could totally be wrong, but I believe that my cousin Cari has tagged me to tell six interesting things about myself. And if I actually am wrong, I'll just be my interesting little self anyway.

1. Individually, I like people who amaze the pants off me and make me feel inferior in essentially every way, shape and form. Gives me some belief in the human race and doesn't leave me the entirety of leading the people to freedom; it's always nice to be able to pass the buck, throw it up, etc. My admirations lean to the methodical, the disregarding, those who work hard for the money and pull it off with ease. If you can bend your thumb back to touch your arm, I'm doubly impressed. When you get some of these ultras together, however, they instantly become a) the magic to end all magic or b) kids of the conundrous doldrums. How I am apt to hate large groups of splendid people. Then it's the realization that perhaps I'm inferior for a reason. In the social setting, they become a sound rather than a wall of it. Clique. Their outrageousness should stun us all to the walls, praying that we might get to touch them when we wait outside after the concert. More likely than not they're circling it up, telling jokes about catharsis and whispering about all the marvelous things they could be doing. These were the kids I knew/hated in high school. But person to person, they were a dream.

2. My first boyfriend once told me that I was the most attractive after a good crying fit. Thinking about my blotchy eyes and black tiger-striped face, I was baffled at his comment. Wiping a stray hair out of my face, he carmel-covered it by saying that it made me more child-like and humble; he said it was the only time that he ever felt like he could baby me the way he wanted to, because any other time I demanded control. That, and my eyes turn the most amazing blue. Every boyfriend after this has agreed with this statement.

3. Because I'm rather fancy, I love to express myself. I am struck by the amount of wonder that I can exude when I'm feeling wide-open-spaces inside. I've always felt wonder at things that impress me; not the puzzled wonder of a question unanswered, but an awe that makes me spread out on the grass and gaze at the sun until I'm blind.

4. I wish that I had a sign to switch on and off that indicated how I wish to be treated that day; like, some days I want to be held like a doll and waited upon and treated as though I were a tad of a plaything. Obviously, on other days I would find this degrading and disgusting, but for those certain days, it just seems to fit. I often have to battle it out between hardcore and arrogant. And arrogance usually wins.

5. Now, with all this relatively heavy material, you probably consider me to be an incredibly dark person. But I'm not; I'm really not. I don't think I could be friends with anyone fun unless I was willing to roll around in the snow or scream at the top of my lungs. I'm more fun than cotton candy and bouncy balls- combined. I'm a prankster, a heckler and a doofus. I sleep with stuffed animals and I have an Ariel the Little Mermaid alarm clock. If that's not the quintessential mark of fun, I don't know what is. I've been known to sing the wrong words to songs on purpose, play with sidewalk chalk and have candy fights. I dance in front of the mirror when I'm alone. I watch Bill Cosby and laugh my brains out. The most purely entertaining movie I've ever seen is a movie called Surf Ninjas. When I want to get out of a funk, I throw in my Spice Girls CD and shout the lyrics to "Wannabe." I look like I'm a pre-pubescent boy when I flip my pen around my thumb. And yes, I do think the word "poop" is funny. I am ridiculous, and that's important to know.

6. And Baby Holly used to live here.

Now, Shelley, Mom and Caleb are tagged. Do this or die!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You were definitely the Holly I wanted, and I thought this entry is fabulous. Mostly I just think that you are fabulous.