Sunday, February 17, 2008

Let's Have One More

Yoga is a revelation.

I have always been weary of it, thinking it was kind of a lame form of exercise. I thought the people who practiced it were a little snobby and thought they were too cool.

But, then, on a whim, I decided I was ready to try it. Shelley graciously gave me a mat and let me borrow her yoga DVD this evening. I had taken a long nap this afternoon, so I decided to give it a whirl at 11 pm.

And I loved it. It was so relaxing and it stretched out all of my kinks. I don't know how much it will build my athleticism, at first, but the mental aid with make a tremendous difference.

My body is feeling rubbery and warm. I totally dig it.


Anonymous said...

rubbery and warm? sounds kinda sick, but hey, that's coo'

Anonymous said...

yoga is AWESOME!! Can't tell you how much is saves my sanity! Which DVD did you borrow?

Anonymous said...

...uh, that was "IT" saves my sanity:P

Anonymous said...

Holly, sorry I didn't go to mania with you the other night. I was still feeling pretty sick at that point. But, feeling much better now. I would love to go crop with you sometime in March. Keep me posted.