Monday, March 17, 2008

That is a Fact, Jack

I'm just coming to grips with my emotional side, I think.

That occurred to me as my pout came out after my French teacher forgot to add me to the class email she sent over the weekend.

Which isn't really that big of a deal.

So, it is all good. Change, baby, change!


As for the birthday, some have requested a list of things that might be obtained in order to present me with a gift close to the 30th of March.

And I'm having a difficult time thinking of something.

Here's why.

All of the things I want this year are intangible. So, here's a list of them, just for example's sake.
  1. A baby
  2. More episodes of The Office
  3. An increase in social gatherings during the week
  4. The chill to leave Utah
  5. For my teachers to be ultra-generous
  6. Everyone in my life to have some mind-blowingly happy experience.
Does that help? :)

I'll come up with some more doable things. I promise.


And as today is St. Patrick's Day, Caleb and I will be celebrating our Irish heritage with green lemonade, green pasta roni, green mashed potatoes and green peas. Represent, sucka!
Other than that,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think a baby is pretty tangible. I could steal one for you! Shyla would be my acomplise (sp?) and it would be great! Also, I'll try to have something really exciting happen to me, because I love my dad.