Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Dirty, Dirty Laundry

Here are all of the things that I intend to do every day:

  • Finish the thank you cards from baby/Christmas - I am not a good thank you card writer. But after having been reamed pretty thoroughly over a period of time about being a terrible person if I do not send any, I have attempted to be more conscientious about them. So, in a fit of productivity very close to the birth of my baby boy, I wrote most of the notes that need to go out. All of them are missing important components, though - addresses, stamps, the correct spellings of names.And now they are sitting on the dresser - waiting, waiting, waiting.
  • Organize my scrapbooking supplies - Ever since we moved into Grandma's, my stuff has been in a huge box stuffed in the storage closet in the outside hall. When I've needed to use anything, I ask my husband to take it down from its high height. And then I scrounge through this box until I find what I want. Afterward, the box sits in the front room until my strong husband returns to put it back in the closet. It's not an efficient system. It's not condusive to creativity. And it certainly isn't helping me get excited to make any baby scrapbooks. I need to remedy this. And yet, the entire thought process only makes it as far as, "Maybe I should do that today...."
  • Take Jack for a walk - That's what mommies do, right? Put on their big ol' hoop skirts and push the baby down the avenue in his pram, right? But I always find an excuse to excuse me from this particular activity. Mostly it comes down to the frigid temperatures/ridiculously icy sidewalks. But this boy is rarely outside and honestly rarely sees out a window (thanks, living in a basement!). So, when he grows up to be a hermit, you know who to thank!
  • Sew a quilt - I have some really great material that I want to get down and dirty with. I also am jealous that everyone in the world has  made Jack a blanket except for his own mother. Seems to be an easy fix, right?
  • Do something special for Caleb - I know how much of a sacrifice it was for him to give up his all Holly, all the time lifestyle, so I often wish that I could have a romantic dinner prepared for him when he comes home or that all of the laundry/grocery shopping/housework could instantly be done in one afternoon. But I am constantly fighting for time to take a shower or eat a bowl of cereal, so this is always a pipe dream.
  • Set up my 6 week post-natal appointment - This is just me dropping the ball over and over again.
  • Decide upon an eclectic, yet affordable way to decorate this basement - Though the length of our stay is becoming shorter all the time, I get so inspired by the websites and magazines I'm constantly looking through. There is only so much you can do when brown and tan shag carpet is the thing you must decorate around, though. 
  • Doing a home-made baby photo shoot  - I can only make memories of sweet cheeks and baby acne for so long. And though I don't really consider myself a great composition fiend, I think I can take adequate photos for picture albums and digital photo obscurity. Jack is precious; there's really no good excuse for the dirth of photos.
  • Making the BIG decisions  - There is only so long that these can be put off.
And every day is instead spent delving deeper into the mysteries of VH1 and napping with my baby. Seems like an okay trade-off in the short term.


Alexa said...

I've felt EXACTLY the same way as you both times I've had a newborn around, but once again it's advice from Jen that's helped me out: Expect to get NOTHING done besides taking care of BASIC needs (sleep, food, hygiene if you're lucky) for the first three months. That seems like a long time, but you're about halfway through already, right? After that, baby starts getting into more predictable routines, and it gets loads easier to think about/do other things. Relaxing and napping with Jack sound like perfect things to be doing right now!

Alexa said...

Oh, and if you're interested, I know two people living pretty close to you that loving photographing newborns: Rick's cousin, Joanna, and my friend, Alaina. Alaina lives in Pleasant Grove, which I know is really close to BYU (although I have no idea where you live, of course). I'm not particularly good or anything, but I wish I lived close enough to come take some shots for you. I'd have a blast!

Alexa said...

That's "love", not "loving". I'll stop leaving comments now. :)

Zotz said...

You rock my world Holly. And your new hair-do is super great. Keep taking pictures of that baby and just remember a beautiful Spring awaits you.

Holly F. said...

Thanks for all of the advice, Alexa! You are super cute!