Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Express Yourself (and Life-giving Fluids)

Nursing has been incredibly emotionally taxing. I know that it's supposed to help me bond with my son, but all it really does is make me resent him every two hours. At first, I thought that it was because we weren't in synch or because my hormones were still making me emtional. But, it's been a month (yay, he's an old man!) and I still dread seeing the little sucking motions he does.

And I hate that because I love him. I just love him so terribly.

There are a lot of reasons I'm still sticking with it, though. None of them have to do with his health or mine, however. It's a mixture of outside pressures, the high cost of formula, and vanity.

Only 8 more months.


Cari Dahl said...

Yeah, you get a Cari gold star for this one.

gravityguysgirl said...

The first 6 weeks are the worst with nursing....It does get easier.

Sarah Hull said...

You can do it!!! It does get way easier!!! I WISH WISH wish wish wish I was still nursing Carter. I only nursed for 6 months with him and it almost makes me cry to think about it. It's actually a lot eaiser than having to get up and get a bottle in the middle of the night.

Good luck my friend. It really is a tough job.

Sarah Hull said...

I better finish that last part...

It really is a tough job... but SO worth it!

You're doing great!

Unknown said...

I'm totally on the same page. I'm on my second child now and I still get those same feelings you described, but it's getting better. I'm doing my countdown too. I'm glad to know I'm not the only one who feels that way. Most my friends and family say they had a hard time when they had to stop nursing...and I was thinking Yes! It's over. I personally think it's the hardest part of having a baby...ok, that's all.

Alexa said...

I felt the same way as you did at first, and remember Jen (Rick's sister) telling me the same thing that was mentioned in another comment: the first six weeks are the hardest and then it (gradually!) gets easier from there. You get better, baby gets faster, and baby eats less often overall. Personally, I think it's so nice to never have to think about having a bottle around!

Melissa said...

You really have to shut everyone else out and do what's best for you and your baby. If money is tight, look into seeing if you could qualify for WIC. I nursed all of my babies for some period of time, so I'm not anti-nursing. I just want you to feel like you don't HAVE to because everyone is telling you you should. Bottle-fed babies are healthy too. I hope you can make the decision that is best for you and your cute li'l man.
~Melissa (ya know, from Archiver's)