Monday, January 22, 2007


Going to school showed me that my whole reason for college was to get married. I know, the M.R.S. degree isn't going to really impress anyone (except the unmarried BYU co-eds) and maybe I'll go back someday, but Caleb and I haven't really talked about it recently. What I'm doing with most of my time is working at a scrapbooking store called Archiver's; I started out as a customer service rep, not really knowing anything about scrapbooking or caring to know anything about it. Now, I'm the media representative, going on TV to show news anchors and local daytime talk shows how to scrapbook and craft their way to glory. I still know nothing about it and don't ever do it myself, but I can fake my way for TV. Sometime, I'll put my spots on youtube and dirty up the internet even more.

Marriage is fantastic; we've almost been married 6 months and have it down pretty well. We are living in BYU married apartments. I work from 7-3 most days, while Caleb is at school and then he works on campus from 5-9. I haven't had to do all the wifey things so far; we never eat dinner together and we take turns doing all of the chores around the house. I figure once I start popping out babies, I'll probably take over the lion's share of it, but until then... Yeah, still the same. Caleb is great. That's all there is.

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