Saturday, December 6, 2008


When I was younger, I was very aware that I had all sisters. I also knew that I had no brothers. Both of these facts were not hard to grasp, and they didn't make too much of a difference in how I lived life. 
When I was dating, I continued to have all sisters. I also kept the trend of no brothers going. Then, my sister Shelley got married. She married a boy named Rick. Who became my brother. Ish.
This totally changed how I perceived my family. When I was asked about my siblings, I could comfortably say that I had 4 sisters, but then there was this guy who was instantly a part of my family just because. So, did I say that I had a brother? I decided that I would - so, 4 sisters, one brother (in-law). I liked how that sounded. And it also started my thinking that when all of my sisters get married, I'm going to have FOUR brothers. The thought of this really excited me, but also scared me - what if these boys who come into the family are scary or mean?
A few months later, another boy contracted to become a part of our family. Luckily, I got to hand-pick the guy, but unluckily I did not gain another brother. Just a husband. But, now there were two boys who were additions to the family. And the random pairing that could be been a new-sibling rivalry became a friendship.
Caleb and Rick are a wonderful example to me of finding the positive aspects of being thrown into a totally different atmosphere. The "seven layers" of the Chatfield family are difficult to swallow sometimes, but these boys have learned to wade through the treacherous waters and have found camaraderie in it. 
The boys have decided that they are going to have final say on the boys who will come into the family; apparently fine Mexican dining and frisbee will be involved in the selection process. Apparently the boys do not want their perfectly-balanced symbiosis ruined by a guy who does not fit the qualifications.  
Now, Caleb and Rick are geographically separated. I can tell a difference in Caleb, as sometimes he just needs a guy around and needs me to be entertained in the meantime; Rick and Shelley fit this model perfectly. Even if he says that he disagrees, I think that Caleb would enjoy living next to all of my family just so he could hang out with Rick. 
I like these boys. I'm glad that they're going to stay around.


Julie said...

That is one of my most favorite pictures of these guys, and I hightly agree with everything said. I'll try not to pick anyone scary or mean to join the family, too. =)

Anonymous said...

lol!! I want the story behind the egg carton pic! :P Love it. So glad they get along--it is wild seeing people added into the fam. Funny how (as Rick's sis) I grew up with all brothers and always reeeally wondered about the sisters that would come into our family!! Have two SIL's now and I LOVE THEM!! Love their sweet sisters too! :) Looks like you guys are totally getting ready for your baby--that's awesome! Best of luck as you get closer :) Fun to catch up on you guys.

Zotz said...

The "Sisters" are a powerful bunch and obviously the two boys have been a great addition. I totally think they should have a say in who joins the "boys club", cause when the sisters get's just a bunch of crazy fun.

Shelley said...

Mentioning the Seven Layers of Chatfield reminds me of that cake picture I drew for Rick, I think I should make one for Caleb (even if it is a little late). And I like having the boys in the family too, yay for boys!