Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Devil Santa and a Statement

Not only does this Santa want to punch you, he wants to do it while looking at you through his red devil eyes, which are deep-set in his angry, wrinkly, red face. 
The only benefit to this whole fiasco is that he also happens to be willing to help you jot down notes with his black-inked soul.
I'm winding down.


Julie said...

I think the glowing is his jolly cheeks, not devil eyes. but think of it what you will.

Shelley said...

He does look super evil, I wouldn't want him in my house bringing presents.

Holly F. said...

Then where, pray tell, are his eyes?

Zotz said...

I can't stop laughing...it's too hard to type from the tears streaming down my face!!!!!

Julie said...

How should I know!!!